A review by beatrice_k
What if THIS is Heaven? by Anita Moorjani


This can get very woo-woo and it’s hard to take it seriously or want to continue reading through these moments (which are sometimes transcribed conversations between speaker and listener where the “lesson” is repeated, verbatim, by the listener). But when you think the book will fail you or get simple, Anita complicates the narrative and encourages you to think bigger.

I loved how every chapter ended with an activity or something to think about or consider. “If this is true, then what else could be true?”

Recommended reading for: those grieving, those going through “difficult moments,” and those looking to clue back into their true selves or to find it.

Not for everyone (and what is?) but if you’re curious, read along and just keep reading. It might surprise you. I’m grateful for it and I hope to keep checking back into it and the lessons learned.