A review by thebooktrollop
Tied by Emma Chase


It is no big surprise that I LOVE me some Drew Evans!!
As much as he gives off this asshole, cocky vibe, he also has a HUUUUUUUGGGEEEE *aheeemm*... HEART (what did you think I was going to say??)....

Even though he is frustrating as hell, a huge pig, and you dont know whether to love him or kill him, he has something magical about him that makes you lose your mind whenever you are around him...
(It's probably his penis but that may just be me)

In Tangled I fell in love with him and his piggish ways, in Twisted I wanted to strangle him and then Tied made me want to do both! Some of the things that came out of his mouth, in this story, had me ready to choke him but I was also laughing and cheering him on.

Tied is really short. Well, shorter than what I was expecting, and almost the whole story takes place in Vegas. There is fuckery, sex toys, drugs, strippers and even a wedding... All the things you can expect for Vegas.

I laughed, I got teary eyed, I was frustrated and really horny in most places
(I mean it is DREW)...

But I loved that I was able to read about the wedding, the things leading up to it, and even what was happening next. I am sad to say goodbye to these characters but I am glad I have the books to keep me nice and toasty at night when I need something sexy and funny to read.

Overall, I give this book a 4.5/5 "I want Drew Evans to live inside my vagina" Stars!!!

If you are looking for something amazing, sexy, frustrating, and wonderful then I would pick up Tangled and continue reading for more Drew Evans!!
He's amazing and he knows it ;)