A review by pvp_niki
Coven by Taous Merakchi, Da Coffee Time, Christo


This is a fun read for all the fans of Buffy and all the 90's teen-witches-in-training series. Nothing groundbreaking but rather felt like an homage to the genre, a decent adventure with some really creepy parts, a lot of familiar tropes. I really liked the plenty of easter egg references to other witchy or horror or fantasy movies.

It was an interesting twist on the genre though to have the girls already familiar with witchcraft and also having been friends for a long time, so coming up with a ritual felt all natural to them, even though until the beginning of this story it had never get any real. I think it's quite fitting for the contemporary setting as nowadays witchcraft is getting quite mainstream.

I was happy to see some difficult situations handled and discussed and reflected on well on page.

I think the art style needs some development though, it feels like the illustrator hasn't found their style yet. Also, I felt conflicted about the palette, often I felt no harmony but some pages do look amazing. Also, sometimes the perspective seemed off even though the artist used variable angles very often and a lot of times nailed it so I was confused whenever they didn't. I really liked the pages that separated the chapters and the representation of the goddesses during the ritual were amazing, like I'd-have-them-tattooed-on-me amazing, so it's clear that the artist has talent and skill. Also, there were some really creative panel structures.

I recommend this to anyone who craves for a funny teen witches adventure or just looking for a light read for spooky season.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing the ARC.