A review by mslizalou
HOT SEAL Target by Lynn Raye Harris


HOT SEAL Target is the newest release from Lynn Raye Harris in her amazing HOT SEAL Team series. I love a reunion story and we totally get that with Adam "Blade" Garrison's story.

Adam and Quinn were friends in high school, but lost touch once he joined the Navy. Quinn was a chubby and shy girl when they knew each other in high school and Adam came to her defense when she was being bullied by other students. In the years that past, Quinn became a fitness blogger and lost all the excess weight, yet is still very much the same person she was before she lost all the weight. She also ended up married to Hunter Halliday, who Adam is sent to investigate while posing as a bodyguard for Quinn. The fact he is off the HOT books and working for Ian Black as one of Black's Bandits on this job, gave me much concern. Black really doesn't follow the rules the same way the HOT teams do, so I knew things could get a bit crazy.

I loved seeing Blade and Quinn reconnect after being apart for so long. Yes they were only friends years ago, but I could feel their attraction to one another pretty much from the moment they laid eyes on each other. Quinn had married an abusive asshat who was pretty much horrible to everyone who came in contact with him and he was way to controlling with everything that had to do with Quinn. I honestly wanted to knock the crap out of Hunter more than once while reading this book.

I loved the time Blade and Quinn got to spend together. I knew he would do everything within his power to keep her safe and also knew there was no way they could fight their attraction for long. OMG Blade and Quinn were so freaking hot together, and I loved it all started with a friendship years ago.

I'll be the first to say, I didn't really like Ian Black when he first appeared in the series because I had major trust issues with him. However, he has quickly become one of my favorite characters in this series and I love getting to spend time with him in each book now. I also have to say I want to know more about some of his Bandits we met in this book in future stories. HOT SEAL Target was pretty action packed from start to finish and was a really great romantic suspense story.

I have loved each of the HOT books I've read to date and look forward to each new installment. I love with each new book we get to spend time with team members and their spouses from past books. I can't wait to read what happens next with the series when we get Ryan "Dirty Harry" Callahan's book!

Rating: 4 Stars (B+)
Review copy provided by publisher