A review by whitmc
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything by Janelle Brown


Precisely what I needed to kick my reading slump to the curb and head into summer. I was in Austin for work, and made it to Book People, which is even more amazing than the rumors. I had a plan: find a sales person and ask them for a recommendation to get me out of my slump. But first, I filled my arms with kids books and presents to make walking around reading the backs of books with a stranger that much easier. I found my guy, crossed my fingers that he had the magical skill that most great indie bookstore workers have, and launched into my request. I knew he was going to do it right when he asked what I read lately, pre-slump, that made me happy. Easy, Commonwealth by Ann Patchett. I also confessed that both Swing Time and Manhattan Beach left me uninspired and I quit both halfway through. I wanted good writing, but fast-paced, light enough that I can pick up and put down between chasing the kids. He led me around the store, grabbing books right and left. This was one he pressed into my hands, saying "It's flying off the shelf." I didn't even read the back. I picked it based on the ice cream. And I'm so glad I did. I probably would have written it off a bit if I had read the description on the back, which accurately describes the plot, but not the cunning writing and great character development. It's also set in Silicon Valley, which, let's face it, I get enough of in real life, so would not have been too excited about that part either. But I'm glad I just took it to the register and paid because this was a great book. The character development and insight is believable, although so so hard to watch. The setting is spot-on--country club Silicon Valley in the new money rising years of pre-2008 crash, and the writing is awesome. So funny, brash, and self-deprecating. I really enjoyed this.