A review by caitlin_89
Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis by Terry W. Glaspey


I knew very little about C.S. Lewis excepting his authorship of the classic Narnia stories, and other great writings, until my friend left her copy at my house one day. I decided to skim through it, having nothing better to do, and no sooner had I started reading than I found myself chapters deep.

I'm not a huge-mongous Lewis fanatic, but I do enjoy his work, and I think he was definitely someone to be admired. This books was a great introduction to the man himself, and his... well, spiritual legacy. Certainly more interesting a read than I usually expect to find under the category of "biography." Something in my mind has caused that word to become near synonymous with "boring." Boring it was not. It was full of quotes that made me eager to read the next on my library-list : Mere Christianity. One of such quotes was this,

" Friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another, "What! You too? I thought no one but myself..." "

I don't know that there was anything super-extraordinary about Lewis' life, but this book certainly made it intriguing.