A review by lifeinthebooklane
Master of the Mountain by Cherise Sinclair


Sometimes a girl just wants to read a low-angst, super-steamy book and knows that if she picks a Cherise Sinclair one it will be well written to boot.

Do the protagonists have issues that aren't explored too deeply? Yes
Is everything resolved fairly easily? Yes.
Did this not bother me one jot because the sexy times were hot A.F? Also yes.

Logan and Rebecca are fleshed out enough to make them interesting and likeable and we get enough backstory to feel as though we know them. I was invested in them enough to want to read all of their story and see them get their HEA. The world-building was more than sufficient for what was needed, I liked that the story moved along at a good pace and whilst the plot was very generic (no Pulitzer prize here) along with good quality writing it was enough to produce a book that kept me entertained.