A review by booksandwings
The Crimson Moth by Kristen Ciccarelli


Where to start?! This book gave me all the feels, and I loved every single second of it. The plot, the characters, the world building... simply outstanding. Had other responsibilities permitted, I could have happily read this entire book in one sitting.

Loosely based on The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Crimson Moth is set in a land where a revolution has overturned the rule of witches, rendering them outcasts who are killed if they're discovered. Rune is a young witch masquerading as a vapid socialite, acting loyal to the New Republic, whilst secretly rescuing as many witches as she can. It's a dangerous game, and she's aware of the risks, but she knows it's the right thing.

Her latest plan involves her getting close to the cold and unforgiving Gideon Sharpe, a witch hunter and Captain of the Blood Guard, in order to gain information. Tricky, she knows, and riskier than most of her endeavours, but she's confident that she can manage it. But as she comes to know Gideon better, real feelings stir to life - feelings which could put her life and everything she has worked for in jeopardy.

Gideon, meanwhile, fares no better. Initially attempting to get close to Rune after reports came to his attention of witches having been smuggled out of the New Republic aboard her merchant ships, he too finds himself being compromised when the feelings he has been faking start to become real. Having set out to try and capture the illusive Crimson Moth, he ends up having his heart captured instead.

Ciccarelli has crafted this entire story beautifully. Alternating narratives are used, which are absolutely perfect for showing the journey each characters is going through as they attempt to both hide and uncover secrets in this game of cat and mouse. Rune and Gideon are incredibly well fleshed out and developed, with deep backstories to help the reader truly understand how they became who they are today, and why falling in love with one another makes them so conflicted. The side characters, too, are given enough depth for the reader to genuinely care about them, especially Alex and Verity. The twists and turns are absolutely fantastic, and whilst I suspected a few things before they were revealed, it was not because they were obvious and in no way did being able to predict things based off the subtle hints ruin the reveal.

I am genuinely obsessed with this book now, and my only (light-hearted!) complaint is that I now have to wait until February 2025 for the second book because the ending has me needing it now!

Definitely one of my new top recommendations!