A review by chllybrd
Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter


I gave it 3.5 stars

I love that these books are being released back to back. Book 1 BLOOD RIGHTS was released Oct 1, and Book 3 BAD BLOOD is scheduled to release Dec 1. I would recommend reading BLOOD RIGHTS before you pick up FLESH AND BLOOD so that you don't miss out on some important back story.

FLESH AND BLOOD picks up shortly after the events of BLOOD RIGHTS. Chrysabelle is back at home and trying to get over the loss of her mom. She has a promise to keep to Malkolm and is finally ready to help him. There is a lot that happens and a lot is introduced in FLESH AND BLOOD your mind will be all over the place taking it all in. The storyline is still very interesting and I really like the world that Painter has written (I almost said painted but thought you might laugh at me). All of the main supporting characters are easy to like and follow. I can not stand Tatiana, she is beyond ridiculous and I can not wait until she gets what she deserves. There are quite a bit of different POVs involved in the book and it can get a little disappointing at times as you will really want to see what someone is thinking and it will switch to someone else. My biggest dislike? The love triangle. I mean WHY? What is the point of it? I think it is completely unnecessary. I really like Chrysabelle and Malkolm and they really like each other, there is a ton of lead up to their relationship so why bring in Creek? Now don't get me wrong I do LIKE Creek I just think the whole love triangle 3 way (yes they agree to share Chrysabelle) relationship is silly. Maybe it will get better in BAD BLOOD? I don't know. Didn't care for it though. FLESH AND BLOOD ends on a gigantic cliffhanger so there is no doubt that you must read BAD BLOOD when it comes out.