A review by montigneyrules
Unless by Carol Shields


#readingchallenge2019 (my book with a one word title)

Shield's created a simple story, with scenes (chapters) that read wonderfully as scattered thoughts making a coherent whole, reflecting on life. It was a refreshing, easy read-that felt like peering into someone’s mind-with all their ordinariness. Every portion was an internalized self-criticism.

Even normal writing habits, like repetitiveness, felt calmer through Shield's writing style. For example, being reminded again and again Norah left to be on the streets, didn’t feel it was repetitiveness in the sense of poor writing, but in the sense of inner thoughts, like when I struggle to process something-so I remind myself over and over.

I wasn’t deeply in love with the novel, but I found beauty in the story Shields relayed; the ordinary feelings. Nothing was spectacular-nothing was too over the top. It all felt so real-other reviews comment on heavy handed gender inequality, but I felt the writing wasn’t preachy-just conveying multiple voices. It had a simplicity that made the plot more serious, and the ideas were a thoughtful work of art.