A review by sadea7
Lie by Natalia Jaster


*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I pleasantly enjoyed this Pinocchio re-telling it was refreshing with the gender flip. Aspen the live string-less marionette was such a sassy character that brought a quality of brazen and conceitedness that was not tasteless or annoying. I loved how she had a big commanding present in front of everyone without being dismissive or dismissing anyone. She requires undivided attention with a no apologies you take her or leave her, but it will be unforgettable. The blooming relationship between between Aspen and the first Knight Aire was so nice and mature. Natalia paced their desire for one another into a satisfying climatic fairy-tale of what it takes to sacrifice and fight for love.

I was also very pleased and very excited for Nicu present as well as to be back in the realm of autumn. As a reader we get to see him shine and struggle with love and independence. I actually would have loved some chapters from his POV to be honest. I wanted to follow Nicu’s journey and hopefully we will get more from him down the road.