A review by laurla
Guardian Demon by Meljean Brook

-final book in the series, sad to see it end.

"back to bed, old man. i'll see you in the morning."
"just remember this old man can still run circles around you."
"so your walker doesn't roll in a straight line anymore?"

"demons can love?"
"in their way. it's more accurately obsession or a need to possess."
"some humans call that love too."

"her every look and every word were swords against which he had no defense."

"he could feel himself falling. in love. he couldn't mistake this feeling for anything else. part agony, part panic. all joy."

"all over history, humans justified the horrible things that they did to each other by believing that there was something inherently wrong with another group of people."

"did you see the house?"
"I did."
"was it as bad as he said?"
"its not that bad. it just looks like a porno waiting to happen."
"the house does?"
"don't look at me like that. its true. some insurance inspector is going to show up at the door and ask what happened. and your house will be all 'I just got so hot that my top came off. and now I've got this great big hole to fill.' then the construction men will arrive and start pounding away."
"ohmygod. you're right. I never realized how slutty our house was."
"wait until you see the pictures. she's just lying there, wide open. and the firemen were all over her."
"did they have big hoses?"
"mmm-hmm. really long ones. and they were squirting everywhere."
"so kinky. are you hearing this dear? our house is into bukkake."

"because meeting me drives people to murder?"
"now that you mention it- I've imagined strangling you a time or two."
"only once or twice? that's so sweet."

"there's just one thing to say now: fuckity-fuck fuck fuck."

"for a few seconds she would forget that he was gone. then remembering crushed her all over again."

"is there any purpose to it? any reason?"
"is there any purpose that would bring you comfort?"
"no. but if there's a reason behind it, if there was a purpose, then I could be angry again. that's easier to deal with."

"purpose does not come from above - and meaning is what we choose to make of it. what we believe is another choice. I choose to believe in a creator whose intentions I cant know. some choose to believe in no creator and still believe the universe has a purpose. some believe in no purpose. but the only thing we can be certain of is our own purpose and our own choices. you can know yours, I can know mine."