A review by annaaugustineauthor
Troll Queen by Tara Grayce


Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my!

I have been waiting for this book since last December, when my wonderful friend thrust book one at me and I promptly had all three of Tara’s book devoured over the course of a week! (Thank you Amazon Prime!) And Troll Queen did not disappoint.

(If you haven’t read the first there books of this series, I recommend forgoing the rest of this review!)

I was so happy when I saw the page count (nearly 450!) because I needed it all! After the end of Death Wind, I really needed some happy, but it took some time. I actually really appreciated that though, because there is no way for Farrendel and Essie, to have healed instantly. Not with the trauma they faced.

Speaking of characters ... Farrendel and Essie, Melantha and Rharreth, Weylind, Julien, Edmund Avie, Jalissa, Leyloria, Rheva, Paige, the boys! How is it possible to fall absolutely in love with every single character Tara pens onto the page?! (And that isn’t even all of them!) They’re all just so relatable. From Farrendel and his panic attacks (which were spot on btw) to Weylind and Avie’s big brother protectiveness, to Essie’s joy and love, there’s just no way to hate these precious cinnamon rolls.

And the message! Ahhh I loved, loved, LOVED how each of Tara’s books delve into another layer or aspect of love. Below are some of my favorite quotes from the book!

“Love was not something that strove to earn another’s affectionate, give only for what one could get back. Love was self-sacrificing without expectation of any reward ... it was feeling compassion for these people, even as some still shouted and spat at her as they passed ...”

“I have always loved your magic, just as I have always loved your scars. Because your scars and your magic are a part of you, and I love you. All of you.”

“Happiness, like love, is the choice to dwell in the deeper joy, deeper contentment. Some are born with the ability to do this without a second thought. Some have to learn I do this through a lot of struggle.”

An amazing, fantastic read!
Five hundred out of five!
Ages 16 & up!