A review by teresajluvs2read
Sleight of Hand by Julie Rowe


** I received a copy of Sleight of Hand from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. The opinions expressed are my own and not solicited in any way**

Alright of Hand by Julie Rowe is the third book in her Outbreak Task Force series. This is Gunnar and Joy's story with DS (Who will give his words of wisdom as a Drill Sargent would), Henry and Dozed making brief appearances. I've read all of her Outbreak Task Force and Biological Response Team books, I'd highly suggest reading prior stories but you can read them as stand alone even though I don't recommend it as each as characters who'll pop up in the current one.

Dr. Gunnar Anderson goes through assistants like wildfire due to lack of patience and no filter on his opinions but one person may be his kryptonite, Joy Ashiro. Who he's been warned by his boss Carmen Rodrigues to play nice or she'll reconsider his tenure in the force.It will take Gunnar, Joy, Henry, Dozer ( Could it be possible that Carmen and Dozer are the next couple?) and others to solve a E. Coli bacteria outbreak at college fear houses. With Spring Break fast approaching the death toll
will rise fast unless they can find the source in time.

Joy Ashiro is a former nurse is willing to take on Gunnar as a partner even though they have a chemistry together. But she has her own demons from her deployments to the middle east and will have to get past them when they get to their first frat house. But after the e.coli spreads beyond Atlanta Gunnar and Joy may give into their wants. Can they find the source of the outbreak and stay alive when a splinter group leads to New Orleans during spring break?

I love the ending snippet about Carmen Rodrigues which leads to my musing that perhaps Dozer will play a part in the next addition.