A review by maxarcreads
The Three Ring Scavenger by S.A. Burd


Minor spoilers
I love this book! I really give it a 4.5 but the system wouldn't let me give the .5 rating. For me it was a solid 4 until I got to the ending where things got exciting. This book had a good mix of dark romance and Spice while still having good development of characters and their backstory.
This book starts off in the 1700s where a vampire/soothsayer named Owen is eating when who comes upon him but a demon names Balaam and Muse a deity with an interesting proposal for him. He agrees but lets them know that the last piece they need for this plan to work will not be around for another 100 years.
So, we skip 100 years to the 1800s Maude is a recent widow who is trying to work in a man's world by running the tavern/pleasure house that she ran with her now deceased husband. She seems to be making it work running her business and taking care of her girls that would be out on the street without this place. Options were very limited for women at this time, and this was the best situation for all. 
One night when closing up she hears a scuffle outside and sees Owen and Balaam "eating". She tries to defend herself and the tavern with her girls when the guys approach her and instead, they ask to be invited in as they want to talk. Understanding that these men are not normal men and are instead the thing of stories she realizes that if they wanted to, they could do whatever they want so she invites them in and sits and hopes by having a conversation she can protect herself and girls that way. 
It is during this conversation they tell her that her time is limited and that soon she will get in a fight protecting one of her girls and after she is gone the bank will take back the property and her girls will be out on the street. But if she agrees to come with them and signs a contract, they will have someone watching over her girls and make sure they and her business are protected with one of her older girls being put in charge. Seeing as she really has no choice especially if she wants to protect her girls she agrees and signs. 
So, she runs off to the circus with this Demon and vampire to meet this deity that she never even spoke to. She really should have understood what they planned for her and the future before she agreed to anything....

this book does have a cliff hanger as there is a 2nd book coming out soon continuing the story. I loved the characters and how much development and backstory she was able to put in with only 190 pages and still have a really good plot and development there. It was a quick and enjoyable read and I can't wait to read the next one to see what happens because those last couple chapters were such a whirlwind.