A review by beardedbarista
Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines


Super glad that Barnes and Nobles puts a great display of books out on there up front tables.
Peter Clines [a:Peter Clines|3396842|Peter Clines|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1314048538p2/3396842.jpg] Ex-Heroes [b:Ex-Heroes|16479439|Ex-Heroes (Ex-Heroes, #1)|Peter Clines|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1360646185s/16479439.jpg|10753679] would have probably been over looked by me if not. I will thank my friends Gabi and Wesley for one wanting the book and the latter buying it for her while I was in his presence. <--- not really a good review yet :)

The book is great! I am a huge comic book fan and this spoke to me immediately. I love the characters and their unique powers. And for a first book Peter killed it. Just the right amount of action, sex, and fun that I want and descriptive enough for me to be engrossed in the look and feel of a post apocalyptic world with Ex's and Superheroes fighting it out.

ALSO my mind just blew up to find out (literally seconds ago) that there are 4 books in this series!!!! I guess I will be buying 3 more books :)