A review by caseroo7
The Fix Up by Kendall Ryan


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The Fix Up is a spin-off of Kendall Ryan's Hitched series, but it is a standalone story. If you have read the Hitched series, you will recognize Sterling and Camryn as Noah and Olivia's best friends. I enjoyed this story a lot, and Sterling was super sexy. While you do not need to read the Hitched series first, for full enjoyment I would recommend it.

Sterling and Camryn know each other through their best friends Olivia and Noah. While they know each other on the surface, it isn't until Sterling learns that he is set to inherit millions that they two begin to spend much time together. While Sterling is the British bad boy, Camryn is looking for a relationship and the one she can settle down with. But he knows that he needs Camryn's help if he ever hopes to go from being a bachelor to a husband. As they spend more time together, the attraction between them grows and they soon realize that they have more in common than they thought. But can Sterling and Camryn turn their growing connection into forever?

I liked Sterling and Camryn. Sterling was so hot and sexy, and everything you expect from a British hero. I loved him right away in the Hitched series and loved getting to know him better. Camryn was easy to like and I felt like she was easy to relate to. The connection between them was one I enjoyed seeing grow, and it felt real and genuine despite the crazy circumstances going on surrounding them. Their chemistry was off the charts, and these two seemed perfect for one another when you might not think so at first glance.

The one thing I will say is that I felt there were some unrealistic things that happened here and that is what kept me from rating this story higher. I still enjoyed the story and the characters, I just felt some of what happened wasn't entirely believable. If you are a fan of Kendall's, this is one you will want to pick up. It was sexy and fun, yet also had enough emotion to keep the reader invested all the way through. If you haven't read anything by Kendall Ryan before, I definitely recommend giving her a shot.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**