A review by homosexual
The Bondwoman's Narrative by Hannah Crafts


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TW/CW: slavery, n word usage

5/5 stars BUT: I will say that since this novel was never “finished” and was still in the process of being drafted I am much kinder to it and not nearly as critical. I did the same thing when I read The Canterbury Tales.

I will also say that I didn’t read the introductory bits or the back matter. I am literally only judging this based of the novel itself.

I really liked the usage of Gothic and Sentimental tropes in this! It did a good job of setting the tone for the rest of the novel early on. Even later on, when the Gothic elements are not as apparent, because she sets the tone so well early on it is enough to carry throughout the novel. My interest carried throughout the novel, and the end notes did help clarify a few things that were lost on me.

I liked Hannah as our MC as well as our cast of character that come along to join/leave us. On further re-reads I would like to make note of a few things to see if there are parallels to be drawn between a few of the characters.