A review by pegster
The Divine Comedy: Volume 3: Paradise by Dante Alighieri


I definitely liked Inferno and Purgatorio better than Paradiso, but I will say that taken as a whole, the Divine Comedy is a masterpiece. That being said, I would never be able to understand it without guidance, which came in the form of "100 Days of Dante", an undertaking by Baylor University and other universities, which consisted of lectures for each canto from September until Easter Sunday. What a journey this took me on! I learned so much about Italy, politics, corruption, religion, virtues, and classical figures. What struck me the most is how nothing changes - the same corruption that existed in Florence in the 1200's exists in our politics and organized religion to this day. I am a better person for having read Dante's masterpiece, albeit it is challenging and I never could have done it without this wonderful lecture series.