A review by jinksb
Niagara Falls All Over Again by Elizabeth McCracken


I hate to say it, but as a reader, I'm very shallow. I prefer story-driven books. Fascinating characters are a plus, but won't hook me by themselves. And if I'm told I should read a book just because it's well-written, I feel like a kid with a plate of vegetables plunked in front of him who's told, "Eat up! They're good for you."

"Niagara Falls All Over Again" caught my attention with the subject matter: the story of a comedy duo rise through vaudeville, radio, movies and television, and their inevitable fall - and falling out. (I'm a huge Abbott and Costello fan.) As I read, though, I realized how much I was enjoying the writing for itself, over and above its role as vehicle for conveying the plot.

Go ahead, unleash those eye rolls and face-palms, and let the "Duh!"s resound. I deserve them. And this book is a damned fine read.