A review by sarareadsromance
Elastic Heart by Mary Catherine Gebhard


This is my first book by Mary Catherine Gebhard and I really enjoyed this read.

In this book, we follow Nami and Nick. Nick is really sweet and seems genuinely concerned about Nami and her overall well-being. He has the patience of a saint and I think was a great opposite to Nami. Now as for Nami, she’s a tricky one. I liked her I really did, but I just couldn’t for the life of me connect with her. I thought she was unbelievably strong and smart, especially everything she has gone through. But She was SO DANG STUBBORN. She was so set in her ways of thinking that everyone and everything was bad when one person, Nick, just wanted to help her see that there are good people in the world. Overall, the book drew me in and I really enjoyed this read. Though I do think that this book had so much more potential and it fell just a little short for me and kind of had my head spinning at times. I enjoyed the book and the story, but it just felt like it was missing something.


I received this eARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.