A review by tintinintibet
How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer


I read this entire genre of books, and Jonah Lehrer has done a commendable job in:

1. selecting really good examples (of course other writers can't help but choose some of these examples for their own books, but Lehrer has pulled together the most diverse and insightful examples in his book)

2. keeping the momentum of the book going
2a. his theme is something a reader can follow throughout (e.g. I did NOT find myself wondering why I was hearing about football or fire-fighting or whatever -- I either knew where Lehrer was going or I trusted that he'd explain shortly)
2b. his writing style is highly readable

If you're looking for ONE book in this genre to read, this is it -- save all those Predictably Irrational, Critical Mass, and their ilk for later.