A review by bookbriefs
Moonlight and Oranges by Elise Stephens


Moonlight and Oranges is full of intrigue and mystery. The mystery kept me interested in the book. All of the elements just seem so cool. There is a guy that dreams about his future and the girl he will end up with. Then there is this strange orange craving, a bizarre mom, and a quest like journey.

Moonlight and Oranges started out awesome. I loved the party and how Kestrin "saved" Lorona, even if she didn't really get it. Then I loved their obsession with oranges. I was dying to know the connection and how they worked their way into the story. It was never really revealed other than a way to link the two of them together.

Kestrin was a bit of a mystery to me as well. He seemed so hung up on finding the "one". The one that he dreamt about, and as a result he kind of turned into some kind of womanizing player. I found out after I read the book that it was a modern re-telling of a classic story. Once I knew that the story was really well thought out and planned. I liked that Elise Stephens took the storyline and molded it to fit two new characters but I wouldn't have known what story the retelling was about, had I not read the note after the book. It was too subtle to find out on my own. In hindsight I totally get it, but I would have liked it to have been a bit more obvious, especially since I love that particular story so much!

Moonlight and Oranges ended up being an interesting story. The writing is great and I felt like I really got to know the characters. There was one thing in the plot that happened that really grated on my nerves and it had to do with a very impulsive act that happened within days of Kestrin and Lorona meeting each other. Talk about instant, but I plowed through it and I was really happy that I did because the book just kept building and getting better as you kept on reading. This was such a pleasant surpirse. Moonlight and Oranges is a different kind of romance that will intrigue you until the end.