A review by klaragon73
Vanish by Sophie Jordan


Sophie Jordan had me hooked from the first chapter, of course that is what happens when a book begins with a truly terrifying action scene. I couldn’t stop reading then, duh! And when I would think…I really need to go to sleep…another intense part would come and pull me in – keeping me from sleep. So sad. (Not Really)

Jacinda – One of the most powerful Draki alive. She is invaluable to her Pride, but her mom has taken her and her sister away…hoping for a “normal” life. Jacinda, not wanting to leave the Pride in the beginning met Will, and everything changed.

Tamara – Jacinda’s twin sister who had never manifested, was thought to be defunct – until now. When she has manifested as a shader. Now she will rival Jacinda’s power and the affection of another Draki.

Cassien – the Draki son of the Pride’s Alpha…Severin. He has been after Jacinda for a long time. They would make the perfect Draki couple, since they are both very powerful. Cassien cared enough to go bring Jacinda back, to promised to protect her and her family. But now Jacinda may not be his only option.

Will – The human and Draki hunter (yeah, that is what I said!) that Jacinda falls for while on the run with her mom. Will had leukemia as a child, his father captured and killed Draki to cure Will with their blood. Will bleeds purple, the color of Draki blood. He also appears to have some latent powers that manifest throughout this book.

Corbin – Cassien’s cousin, making him another all-powerful Draki. He is vying for Jacinda’s bond…by manipulation and threats. I really don’t like this guy.

Az – Jacinda’s best Draki friend who welcomes her home with open arms, until she finds out that Jacinda risked everyone’s assistance to be with Will.

Miram – Cassien’s witch of a sister. She is the one Draki that can find out what secrets Jacinda is hiding. She possesses the power to turn invisible and hypnotize. She may be the Draki that changes everything and everyone.

I recently read an article Are These Filter Words Weakening Your Fiction on the Write It Sideways website. Sophie does an excellent job of eliminating filter words from her writing, which gives you a greater ability to feel the story. Vanish is perfectly written and flows beautifully. Jacinda’s story is one I want to experience over and over again.

Jacinda is forced to return to the pride when Cassien comes to Chaparral in search of her. In the process, she manifests in front of humans, not just any humans – Draki hunters. The ramifications for this action will bring Jacinda much suffering. Upon returning to the Pride, Jacinda learns that many things have changed. Curfews enforced, restricted flying, and changes in work assignments. She is no longer treated like she is of importance – being assigned to a lowly job, loosing the affection of Cassien, and her mom being punished are only the beginning.

Cassien attempts to break loose of Jacinda, knowing she will never love him the way he deserves. However, he realizes that he truly wants to be with her and no one else. Will protecting Jacinda from unthinkable torture be enough for her to realize she belongs with him?

Will continues to fight for Jacinda, putting them both in terrible danger. He tells her that he loves her, but in my opinion, his actions do not prove his words. Cassien would do – does do – anything for Jacinda. Will seems to be driven only to get Jacinda away from the Pride, not realizing that there are some things that are very important her, that she can’t leave behind.

Many adversities face Jacinda, Tamra, Cassien, Miram, and Will. Can they survive? And if they do, at what cost will it be?

A truly suspenseful and enchanting story. A definite must read.

To be released on September 6, 2011. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and The Book Depository will be more than happy to sell you a copy.

*This is an Advanced Reader Copy Review. Changes can still be made to Vanish: A Firelight Novel at this time. I want to thank NetGalley and HarperCollins for allowing me to review this fantastic book. Anything quoted or alluded to is subject to change. All opinions are 100% mine. I do not work for any entity that may cause bias nor am I compensated for my reviews in any other way than by my followers who read and comment on my reviews!