A review by karisommers
The New Avengers, Vol. 6: Revolution by Brian Michael Bendis


More Avengers vs. Avengers fun, with some trouble from the Hand to boot: Hawkeye might not be dead after all, and Maya Lopez's plan to take down the Japanese underworld has run into a serious snag: the Hand, and its new leader, Elektra. Maya's kidnapping prompts an automated message to go out to Matt Murdock, a.k.a. Daredevil, asking him to kill her (if she isn't already dead) or avenge her (if she is) so she doesn't get brainwashed by the Hand. Murdock and company have their own issues to deal with, though: Tony Stark and his lackeys who are rounding up the mutants who didn't register with the government.

There's just something so interesting about superhero besties fighting each other...