A review by jesslolsen
The Letter by Kathryn Hughes


This was a really sweet story, and an interesting concept that had a lot of potential to be an awesome story. There were just a few things that stopped me rating it highly… (Note: Im using he goodreads rating scale and giving it a 2, meaning that "it was ok", not the normal rating scale that would mean this score was absolutely terrible)

Firstly, the writing style was very basic conversational, and didn't have any 'deep' or profound moments in it. I had to make a conscious decision to keep reading through it, even though it was a bit annoying at first, but I guess that is a compliment to the story line being intriguing enough to hold me.

Secondly, the characters were a bit too nice for my liking. Maybe thats just how respectful people were in 1939 and 1973 and I'm just too jaded by the rude and abrupt ways of 2015, but even the story antagonisers were a bit too easy to hand over information and were a bit too soft to add any strong mystery to the plot.

It's not a very long story, and moves quite steadily, so I didn't feel like I had to wait forever to get to the point, and given the cheaper price point than most kindle books ($3.99 AUD) at the end I didn't feel too cheated. I would recommend this book to people who are after something light and super easy to read without having to think too much, but there are plenty of other books on my 'To Read' shelf that I would rate higher than this.