A review by raven168
Splinter by Sarah Fine


I was so hoping to like this book more than the first one. Why didn't I? Because of Ben. Oh my gawd how I HATED him in this book. So much so, that I really think he is the sole reason I didn't enjoy this one as much. He just racked up betrayal after betrayal toward Mattie, and yet she STILL wouldn't leave him!! I was getting so angry and frustrated with her because, really, how many times must the guy hurt her before she finally says enough is enough? I also really missed the take charge and in control Asa that we got in the first book and that I loved so much. We only get a glimpse of it here and there and it just wasn't enough for me. Like last time, he was definitely my favorite part.

So it's been many months since Mattie and Asa have parted ways and Mattie just keeps getting sicker and sicker. She blames it on the stress of the wedding and denies her belief that it's her heart missing Asa. Things have not gotten better between her and Ben, if anything they get more strained by the day. Ben has been trying very hard to give Mattie the life he knows she wants as well as take care of all the financial debts he has. But it's not going well. He just can't seem to make enough no matter how much he works. So he comes up with what he thinks is a brilliant idea of using Mattie as a reliquary for another original magic and selling it to one of the bosses. That blows up real fast and Mattie can't think of anyone to help her but Asa.

Asa does come right away when he finds out Mattie needs him, but he completely misreads what has been going on and the whole situation is tense from the beginning. They seek help and refuge with a camp of magical carnies. When he finally listens to the truth, he's livid with Ben and sorry for the way he was treating Mattie. But he has to take care of the problem Mattie needed him for before he can take out his aggression. Shortly after the issue with Mattie is taken care of, he finds another one. This one in the form of a magical splinter that is more lethal. And to deal with this problem they'll have to go back to an old enemy. Before that can happen though, Ben betrays Mattie for at least the third time in this book. This time he not only puts Mattie's life in danger but also all those of the people they were staying with.

When Mattie gets caught she finds herself fighting for her life again, only this time she doesn't have Asa by her side. She still holds onto the hope he'll come for her but knows she has to do all she can for herself in the mean time. Unfortunately that goes way south soon after looking up and she ends up in a new form of hell. Until Asa finally makes it to save her again. Soon after that we finally ditch Ben and go to take care of the splinter that's been stuck in her. And finally things really got great for me. The exchange could have gone better to be sure and they get stabbed in the back by more than one person, but by the end Mattie is finally feeling free and whole. And she finally faces her decision of what to do about the brothers. About damn time too.

I am looking forward to the final book because I'm really hoping that we will get more of Asa and Mattie working together before he gets taken from her. Or at the very least, little to no Ben...

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.