A review by adogmomsbookishlife
This Little Light by Lori Lansens


Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy won in a Goodreads giveaway.

I’m not a big fan of “coming of age” novels, but this one was definitely intriguing. With handmaids tale vibes and plenty of current political and social issues at hand, this story hit all angles and viewpoints.

I found myself utterly disturbed through many scenes, partly because of the cringe-worthiness, but mostly because of how so much of it could easily be true; how so many of the situations could hit home for so many people.

I found myself annoyed with the writing at first due to the prose being the blog/journal of a 16 year old, Malibu rich girl and the dialect was on point for that narrative. Once I got used to it, it didn’t bother me as much. I also didn’t think I was as into the story as I was until about 3/4 of the way through when the story really started unfolding. I also find myself really upset with the ending. I used to think I didn’t care about happy endings, but I was wrong. This one was so close to that ... and then more betrayal.

The final blog post makes sense. I understand why Lori ended it the way she did. But I did feel that it happened abruptly. It wasn’t until I started writing this review that it truly dawned on me what happened to cause the outcome of the story. You’re left to assume that justice is served, but there are so many other pieces of the story I wish I knew the outcome of.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. It was a quick and easy read while remaining thought-provoking.

I would definitely warn those who are sensitive to the following topics to tread lightly as there are some trigger scenes: abortion, suicide, child abuse, and underage females being taken advantage of by older men.