A review by kathlgpa
Be Not Far from Me by Mindy McGinnis


My boyfriend normally HATES action movies. While I would not say I love them by any means I can say I find some enjoyable depending upon the general dialogue and portrayal of women. I love the MCU, he hates it. But the biggest reason he will immediately start dissecting ANY movie, most namely action, is for how inaccurate they are. "There is no way they could have survived that crash!" "People cannot speak at normal volumes on an aircraft carrier!" etc. Me? I can suspend some belief in the name of entertainment. This doesn't extend to the Fast and Furious franchise, I did say SOME and ENTERTAINMENT.

The reason for this long ramble on this book review may no be clear but it is relevant I promise. Because it also extends to books. I expect some crazy coincidences in books. Did the protagonist and love interest just happen to meet up again at the same small dinner party thrown by friend of a friend in a romance? Fine with me. Oh the spy just happened to overhear the bad guy's evil plans by being in the exact right place at the right time? Cool.

But this book guys...

I mean I love Mindy McGinnis, I really do. Her writing is AMAZING. Her characters are pretty badass. But this book!!

The first few inaccuracies about Tennessee, a place I lived for 6 years, I tried to let slide because they were small.
SpoilerA blizzard where it is so cold that if you were outside for 2 minutes you were too frozen to move? Okay I get you are trying to build the backstory of this girl and show she has all this tough survivalist stuff down. I shall let it slide. But then when she is SO DRUNK AND UPSET she cannot remember how far she ran barefoot blindly at night and yet apparently used her ninja skills to leave no blade of grass unturned or trail of any kind to see in the morning? I am having a hard time not dropping this book right now.

I did finish this book and it was entertaining, but I did have to roll my eyes sometimes. I will keep reading McGinnis but won't ever come back to this one.