A review by destinylmw
There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury


This short story is about the one remaining house in allendale California after a nuclear attack has killed all of the people and reduced all of the surrounding houses to ruins. While the houses inhabitants are no longer alive, the automated smart house continues on with business as usual unaware that anything has changed. I thought I just didn’t like Fahrenheit 451 but I actually think I don’t like Bradbury’s writing. It almost feels sparse it some ways and I don’t like the surrealness. While he’s right on the mark about some aspects and the underlying messages in his stories are still relevant today, the stories are just so bizarre to me because of the things he gets totally wrong. I enjoyed this short story more than 451 but there were a few parts that were just too weird like the self cooking oven that churns out toast and bacon and eggs and also cold milk all at the same time with no help. This story is set in 2026 and I recognize that it was written in 1950 but we are just so close to that time and so far from that reality that it’s hard for me to suspend disbelief and enjoy his writing.