A review by lillian_francis
Tea and Crumpet by Mara Ismine, Josephine Myles, Anna Marie May, Stevie Carroll, Clare London, Lucy Felthouse, Zahra Owens, Stevie Woods, JL Merrow, Lisa Worrall, Elin Gregory, Chris Smith, Jennie Caldwell, Alex Beecroft, Serena Yates, Charlie Cochrane, Jay Rookwood


Fighting Cocks by Stevie Woods - Damn! Wish this had been longer.
On the Pull by Elin Gregory - Gorgeous. Elin Gregory never fails me.
Frozen Angel by Lisa Worrall - Damn it. Made me cry, even though I was pretty sure I knew where it was going.
Sweet Temptation by Jennie Caldwell - New to me author. Enjoyed this.
Matter of Opinion by Mara Ismine - cute.
Jeu d’Esprit by Chris Smith - Enjoyed this one immensely. Shame the author only appears to have one other story in a now deducted anthology. *sigh*
Bloody Mathematicians by Charlie Cochrane - I'm sure I've read this before, not that it stopped me enjoying it this time around. Reminds me I need to catch up with the series.