A review by tylerteacher
The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights, Volume 1 of 3 by Robert Irwin, Malcolm C. Lyons, Ursula Lyons


Marjana is a badass!

Ok, so this was everything I hoped it would be, but also more. It had all of the stories that I hoped I would read about from hidden treasure to grand palaces and jinni (genies) playing tricks, but I have realized that 1,001 nights is a lot of nights and no one, even Shahrazad, can hit the mark every time. Most of the stories were 4-5 star stories, but some were 3 stars and a couple were pretty boring or weak, but it was worth the read no matter what - and I’m only 1/3 finished now!

I have to point out one thing here, this is not really acceptable for children. I have read reviews and heard people say their parents read them these stories when they were young and I can only hope they read them Ali Baba and not all of the nights because there is some very adult stuff happening in here. Orgies, rape, plenty of sex scenes, murder, dismemberment, and of course slavery, racism, and sexism (abuse). It is an old book, so many outdated ideas are expected, but I was surprised (though it didn’t bother me personally) of the amount of sex in it. Only because I have heard so many say that their parents read this to them as kids. Anyway, just wanted to put that warning out there for the full version to those thinking they might read it to their kids.

Having said all that, I really enjoyed it for the most part, like I said. It had its boring moments, but it was mostly a wonder to read and essential reading for those of us that want to read stories that are frequently quoted or referenced in other works of art. This is foundational if you like the concept of stories and tales. It really is a love letter to telling stories in general - Shahrazad is not just saving her life but the lives of every other woman in her city by telling these stories and that theme repeats frequently in the stories themselves as well. She’s a hero!