A review by copascribe
Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor


In this sci-fi novella, Sankofa is doomed to wander Ghana as the "adopted daughter of death." Feared by the people, she travels between villages with dirt huts and robotic cops/drones as she searches for "the seed." Okorafor's writing is beautiful, I really liked the world she built, weaved with native culture and futuristic ideologies. Without flowery language, she captures a story with layers tackling privacy, safety, and freedom. While tales are invented about our main character, a pharmaceutical-turn-tech company acts as Africa's newest colonizers and is also searching for "the seed."
Overall, I really enjoyed reading about Sankofa's journey (and finally reading something that let me critically think about the story and draw my own conclusions without being lectured at). Beautifully written and highly recommended.
4.5 stars