A review by rachela1eaf
Greenwode by J. Tullos Hennig


Holy shit. I don't know how else to encapsulate my reaction to this book, just: holy. shit.

I'd basically succumbed to the belief that the majority of queer fantasy, while quite enjoyable, is not, objectively, good. Mercedes-Lackey's Last Herald-mage series, while immensely enjoyable and one of my favorites, is on a technical level not a masterpiece. But this. This. On every level, the writing was phenomenal. The characters were rich and deep, the plot and tension were woven beautifully, the world developed with amazing detail and depth... god.

I don't know what more to say than I loved this book, and I'm screaming because our local LGBT bookstore isn't open on Sundays so I can't get the next one. Please, I need more.