A review by bookishobsessedmama
The Awakening by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham


the vibes were vining and while i hate 50% of the characters because they’re assholes - the Vega twins are bad ass and i can’t wait to see them be stronger than ever after all they’ve went though. 

Is this the best writing i’ve ever read? no. 
BUT as someone who isn’t a big fantasy reader i really enjoyed this! I didn’t feel like the world building was so intense that i got bored and didn’t want to  continue but it gave you a lot of info about the school and what it is based on throughout the book and i really enjoyed it. 

The “temporary heirs” are assholes. i hate them all Orion is confusing to me - sometimes he’s an ass, sometimes he redeems himself. idk how i feel about him yet. 

i saw a lot of reviews about gRAPE and non-consensual but i didn’t read that book i guess 😅 Did vampires feed nonconsensually - yes but like does a vampire ever take blood consensually? 😅 

excited to continue on into this series - it feels like it’ll be a guilty pleasure.