A review by ladytook
The Goodnight Kiss by Jennifer L. Hart



This book definitely wasn’t what I was expecting, but that is a good thing. I’m not even sure what exactly I was thinking this book was going to be like, but I’m glad I gave it a shot, it was without a doubt the book I needed to read to finally get out of my book slump. One thing thought is that I don’t think this book is YA and more towards NA and while I do realize these kinds of things happens with younger people, I wish the MC was a little older, maybe 18/19, instead of 16/17, but it wasn’t enough for me to not enjoy the book. One thing that did surprise me, was the mythology on the book. While yes we have the common things that come with the Fae territory (courts, veil and etc), it was actually built around Norse Mythology (at first I thought it was actually going to be Greek, and that is my usual favourite, I liked this twist). I’m not all that versed in Norse mythology, but I know enough to like it when I find a book involving it (or any kind of mythology really), but I don’t think you need to really know anything about it to still be able to enjoy it. I enjoyed the characters, Nic seems like a cold-blooded killer at first, but the more we dive into the story, the more we learn about her the more I liked her and her development. I also really liked Aiden and even though I don’t agree with the way he did some things, I understand why he did it. And I really liked his relationship with Nic. There were some nice secondary characters, but I don’t think they actually got that much focus for me to say I properly liked them, I hope to see more of some of them in book 2 and I can’t wait to see what waits for these characters in the future.

* i received a copy of this book from Netgalley, but all thoughts and opinions are my own