A review by thebooktroup
Little Bandaged Days by Kyra Wilder


This is a quick quirky little read about a mother’s unraveling sanity after finding herself isolated living overseas in Geneva with her young children and “workaholic” husband. I didn’t hate this book but I didn’t love it either. I found Erika somewhat relatable since we recently completed an overseas move. I understand how in the beginning everything seems shiny and perfect, but then the honeymoon period wears off, the vacation-feel of the move is shaken off, and the monotony of everyday life prevails. Unfortunately, this is where the relatibility stops because I began to question her decision making and the likelihood of such possible isolation. The majority of the book is her inner monologue and her journey to complete madness. I could not grasp why she made choices she did... I found myself racing through pages to get to the climax, but ultimately it left me feeling very confused and perhaps a bit unhinged. I honestly don’t even know if I understood what exactly happened in the end and if the other characters actually existed outside of her head. Part of me wants to go back and reread the last bit but the other part of me thinks there are too many books out there to backtrack on something that didn't strike my fancy.