A review by catreader18
It Takes Heart by Tif Marcelo


Tif Marcelo’s fourth novel, It Takes Heart, is a love story. It includes a family working together to rebuild a resort from a hurricane. Geneva is a family friend who is on the resort to help the family with interior design. What she does not except is Brandon, the youngest in the family who she had a 3 week relationship with, to show up.

While the plot is a common one, old lovers meet again and will they/won’t they get back together, it does not read like a standard book. The vivid writing had me picturing being at the resort. Tif always intricately weaves Filipino culture into the book. It is in the names of the villas, the terms the family calls each other, and the food. I enjoy this part of her books as I get to see a different culture.

I loved this book so much I read it in one day. I have read all of Tif Marcelo’s books and love them all.