A review by fictionallysam
This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada


“There is not one of me–I am no single voice in the darkness. I am a chorus. A Symphony of code and violence, driving a knife into each of their hearts.”

Let me find my words.

This Cruel Design is the second installment in the literary masterpiece series, Mortal Coil, by the fiction mastermind Emily Suvada. Now, I say mastermind, because the words she divulges onto the printed page are ones that leave her readers breathless, engaged, heart wrenched, and forever mind blown (not even kidding). The first novel in this series was one of the best books I have read in 2018, and easily one of the top 5, as it made me view the world in a different light.

This newest segment in the story of Catarina “Cat” Agatta is no exception. The Sophomore novel takes up where the first left off–Catarina on the hunt for Lachlan and working out the revelations and truths she has come to find out about not only herself but the world she has grown to know as a new virus strand has taken formation.

Unlike the first novel, This Cruel Design, starts off with a slow pace as we get reacquainted to the world Suvada has built. I didn’t mind the slow beginning as much as I usually would, because of how the pace matched the storyline and how it was a steady progression of speed as we headed towards the climax. Suvada builds a scientifically fascinating world in which the possibilities of manipulation and creation of both technology and DNA are endless.

“If there is a design that underpins us, Catarina, then it is cold, it is violent, and it is cruel.”

With poignant dialogue and enriched character development, the sophomore novel continues to delve into philosophical questions on humanity and our dependency on technology as well as how far we should let technology take hold of our existence. Suvada holds nothing back with her writing style as she delivers breathtaking descriptions and quick-witted dialogue that takes the entire cast and ensemble into a deeper realm of development that you would never believe they could go.

With endless plot twists and mind-blowing revelations, This Cruel Design is thought-provoking and a whirlwind of pulsing excitement that will ruin and begin you in ways you never thought possible.

I honestly will recommend this series to every single entity for as long as I live as it is truly a masterpiece that should not be ignored.

Someone call life alert...I've been emotionally compromised and cannot get up. Suvada has thoroughly messed me up and I don't know how I will function until I get answers...

RTC when I can form words, I'm going to go sob in the shower now.