A review by arushofemotions
Fallen from the Stars by Tiffany Roberts


Yay for Vasil's book! This book was a little different than the previous in the series because it's the focus isn't on the Facility or the Watch. For most of the book, Vasil and Theo are stranded on a deserted island after Vasil witnesses her spaceship fall from the sky like a meteor and rescues her. I loved how spunky these two were together. Theo has artificial intelligence embedded into her body that becomes, for lack of a better word, her friend. Kane is snarky and witty and their interactions were so much fun to read.

Vasil is instantly drawn to Theo. He knows about human love, and though it is different from how he was raised, her yearns for it. He wants that emotional and physical connection, and his attraction to Theo makes him think that she'll be perfect for him.

I love how this author wrote their love story. They both has to bend their understanding of love and relationships, and the growth that each character went through was wonderfully written. I've loved reading this Kraken series, and can't wait to dive into more from this author.