A review by courtthebookgirl
The Heights by Peter Hedges


One of the worst books I have ever read, and I can't put into words how much I hated it. The main characters were entirely unlikable in every way imaginable, and the only characters I had any sympathy for at all were the children in both marriages and Bruno, the boss. The only redeeming quality is that the writing was decent..... the content, however, was atrocious. When you find yourself rooting against both people in a marriage because they are both horrible, selfish, petulant, child-brained morons, you know the book has gone south. I also actively rooted against the people they both wanted to cheat with, who were also petulant, selfish, child-brained morons.... or worse, if I had the words to come up with worse insults on a Sunday.

Horrible, horrible book. I am just glad it's over.

(And I apologize to my friends who recommended this to me who loved it- but we will have to agree to disagree on this one.)

The one star I gave it was for the actual writing. If it weren't for that, I would have given it no stars and been perfectly content.

I'm going now to wash my eyes out.