A review by oohsarracuda
The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future by


This was an incredibly thoughtful Christmas gift from my husband. It took me a while to read it - I had to keep putting it down and reading other things. There are some beautiful essays and ideas in there, but the book also made me sad, because I know I will not live to any feminist utopia. It heartens me that there are people working towards that, though, and that more people might find this book and continue that work.

Jill Soloway's contribution, by the way, was dreadful and didn't really have a place in this book. She doesn't seem to know the difference between "utopia" and "totalitarian dictatorship", tongue-in-cheek though she may be. The implication of cisgendered ("bush"-having) women only, in her utopia? Also, "no killing" - except for those whose bodies she wants to slow-roast and eat? Okay, Jill, sure. You can't have a utopia wherein some groups are still being oppressed, exploited, abused, and murdered for pleasure, but sure. *thumbs up*