A review by dbguide2
Walking on Knives by Maya Chhabra


I went into this thinking, ‘F/F The Little Mermaid retelling? Perfect! I’ll love it!’ and then…I didn’t love it so much. The plot didn’t have much meat on it and barely built up to anything – like when the climax came up I was like ‘Is this it?’

It was the whole thing of the summary sounding good and then the story turned out to be less than good. All the characters had their motivations and plans, but they had no fire to do so and when the characters have no interest in their motivations and/or plans, neither do I. And that’s where I begin to force myself to finish books.

There were also some parts where something happened and it just didn’t make sense, like SPOILER*when the little mermaid kills a deer, how did she know how to kill the deer? I’m pretty sure sea animals have different anatomy to land animals.

And another thing, maybe a bit of a spoiler – I didn’t find the romance between the sea-witch’s sister and the little mermaid to be believable. What, the sea-witch just sees the little mermaid and likes the way she looks and decides to add a clause to her (the sea-witch’s) deal? And the little mermaid only realised she also ‘loved’ the sister in like the last few hours… Yeah, sorry, not that believable to me.

There was this really weird quote so here you go:
The Prince moored his pleasure craft and walked up the pier to the so-called beach…
- Me: His what now?

And this quote really made me laugh:
The prince had not realised he was holding his breath.
- It’s the quote!!!