A review by scribesprite
Dragon Spear by Jessica Day George


I flip flopped a lot on what to give this book a 3 or 4 since there are no half stars but I decided on 3 because I enjoyed the books leading up to it and I liked how Creel's story ended but I was disappointed about a few aspects.

This one didn't have as much embroidery or sewing going on like it did in the last two but it did present itself in Creel's wedding dress and of course to help save the day-more or less, not exactly.

It didn't feel as dire to me even though it probably could've. Sure things are pretty bad and I did want to know what happened but in a more curious way than I just have to know! I enjoyed reading it though and liked how all the characters played into the story.

Creel seems pretty much the same, spunky and caring. Luka is still quite a fine honest guy. We see a lot of dragons as well as different people (cultures). Dragons are showcased even more in this one I think. They are given more history as well as more dimensions like a sort of code of honor for them and even a different culture to the one presented in the prior two books.

In the end you could just leave it at the second book but I wouldn’t sway anyone from reading Dragon Spear.