A review by melodicfate
Strength by Carrie Butler


When I first heard about this book, I instantly knew that I had to read it. The fact that it was about a girl meeting someone who was an outcast, and who was believed to be a madman was really intriguing. Not to mention the supernatural powers that the synopsis referenced. . Just those two elements alone made it too much for me to resist. So when I finally was able to buy and read this story, I was extremely happy to not be disappointed.

The character of Rena was awesome. She was relatable, and I felt like I could definitely be friends with her. She made mistakes, but she owned up to them, and she tried to change her ways. This is especially true with Wallace, and I thought that was probably the best part of the story. Also, Rena had some really admirable internal strength, and this was my favorite part of her character. It's all well and good to be outwardly strong, but you need internal power, as well.

Wallace was a great character as well. I felt so horrible for him when everyone thought he was crazy, and nobody wanted to talk to him. I thought his bitterness was definitely justified. After Rena starts getting to know him though, it quickly became apparent just how kind and considerate he is. I loved it when he and Rena were together. His supernatural strength made things a lot more interesting, as well, and I loved how his external power balanced Rena's fiery courage. This novel was definitely well-titled.

As for the side characters, I thought Rena's friends were a great support for her, and I loved that they'd help her out with anything when it came down to it. Clara was a great grandmother, and I definitely took a liking to her. However, I definitely couldn't like Wallace's brother Cole, after some events that transpire between him and Rena. I don't understand how she can even talk to him after them, much less be around him. He definitely isn't all bad, and in a way, I get why he acted how he did, but it doesn't excuse him whatsoever. Therefore, I'd definitely say that Carrie Butler can not only build well-developed main characters, , but secondary ones as well.

The actual plot of this novel was interesting. A part of it had to do with first impressions, and how unbelievably wrong they can be. Another part had to do with Wallace's abilities, and the whole paranormal aspect of his family. It was a great blend, and I was never bored. I read this book in one sitting, and whenever I do that, it's definitely a great book. I never found it slow or boring, and I always had to see what happened next.

With all that said, I definitely have to say that my intuition was right on wanting this book. There wasn't much that I didn't like, honestly. I thought the main characters were great, and the paranormal aspects were original. I was never bored, and after the way this story ended, I'm in serious need of the second book, and it can't get here fast enough.