A review by booksandlemonsquash
Into the Fire by Elizabeth Moon


I sort of “accidentally” ended up rereading the entire Vatta’s War series, as well as Cold Welcome before picking this up finally. I’m glad I did as I definitely picked up some things in CW and this that I probably would have missed otherwise (and definitely did the first time around in the case of Cold Welcome). I really do love this universe and Moon’s military sci-fi epics.

Where the War series is more space opera thriller, this is all planetary, and we do get a change of pace because of it. Into The Fire still gets some seriously fast paced moments though, as the Vatta’s come under attack again, and as they struggle to figure out what happened.

I really like the conspiracy nature, and how Grace’s long hinted at past comes into it all. I don’t necessarily love some of how that plays out in terms of revenge and grudge holding, but that’s a me thing - it’s my least favourite trope!

I also found some of what the bad guys get up to a little outlandish, but that is what makes a thriller fun occasionally ;)

I think this is the end of the Vatta’s Peace arc, but I’m not certain and it doesn’t seem to say anywhere online that I can see. It does tie it off but there’s always room for more, so I have hope!

4 stars.