A review by pbanditp
Wasps in the Ice Cream by Tim McGregor


“We live on this thin crust of order and civility, so smug in our fancy cars and pretty homes. But underneath all that? Chaos. Something waits to drag us down into the darkness.” -George
Wasps in the Ice Cream by @timmcgregor1 from @rdspress sounded like it was going to be a mean, diabolical story of evil corrupting something pure and innocent, and in a way, it was, just on more of an emotional level than I expected.
I cursed Tim McGregor out multiple times during this book. I mean, these are my friends! How dare he do that to them?This is the second book this year that I wanted to not read any further. I got to a point and I just knew things were about to spiral out of control and I didn’t want to put the characters through that. I wanted to let them hold onto their happiness, their ignorant bliss. Of course I couldn’t do that to them, their story needed to be told.
This is not a scary book. It is dark and devastating but not scary. I feel like it should be required reading and discussed for hours with a book club. There are so many great lines that resonated with me.
This is a Ray Bradbury-esque story of how life changes so fast, how we grow up, mature, and summer always comes to a close. The choice you want to make is not the easy choice, not the popular choice. Do you take what is socially difficult but makes you happy? or do you go with the flow and get swept up in the pedestrian life?
I could gush on and on about this book and all the elements it contains and why you need to read it but I think it’s best that you go in empty and let the surprises fill you up.
To sum up the book I will quote Mark’s stepmom, Liz-“Sometimes we do things we don’t understand.”