A review by dairyfreemozzarella
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn


a lot more mature than i thought it would be, what with finding it on my high-school library's shelves. this book did a great job of making 3D characters, morally ambiguous characters. ambitious characters who will stop at nothing to provide and do what they think is right, even if it takes some not-so-good deeds to get there. i found that i couldn't love or hate any character, because they were all so flawed, but all with their own reasons. the ending didn't satisfy me enough. i needed more, i needed a ribbon to wrap up the package. i needed explanations, repercussions of wrong-doings. i didn't get that. but maybe that was the point of the book. to be lifelike. to show that bad people are often bad because they are molded to be that way by their surroundings, to show that life isn't a neat little package. truly masterful prose, deserving of every fine literature accolade.