A review by maddiemoiselle
Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin


Bring Me Your Midnight had so much potential, unfortunately, it wasn’t successful for me. It put me in a massive reading slump and was so freaking close to being a DNF but somehow I pushed through.

I’ll try to keep this review short because my main complaint is how contrived the whole book felt.

Tana, the main character pretends to be nuanced and unique but is truly one of the most bland FMC I’ve read in a while. She always talks about her “wild heart” and how she is not like everybody else (tell me about it, stud) and it got soooooo old fast. The book is basically Tana perpetually switching back and forth between high magic being evil or good. One second she thinks it’s the shit, the next she’s running away from the love of her life and her true calling as a high magic witch because it is all just so evil. Blech. Tana is so changeable it proves that the development part of the book is taking a hiatus.

And Wolfe (yes, that is his name and yes, it is awful) is somehow worse? He has moments of intrigue but for the most part he is just there. His defining characteristics are being “sharp” and beautiful. Oh, and angry. The author was clearly trying to create some sort of enemies to lovers situation but it felt laughable. At one point we had a Cruel Prince moment where Wolfe says something to the effect that he can’t stop thinking about Tana even though he hates her and her kind. Gee. Wolfe has a lot of freaking hatred for a stupid girl, even if she belongs to a rival coven. Everything was convenient—the plot line, the resolution, the romance.

For some reason he falls in love with Tana (because she’s “special” and can do his magic