A review by ambeesbookishpages
The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

A really good friend recommend one of Rachel's books to me a few years ago. With that she easily became a favorite author if mine. Though I haven't read any other series by her except Soul Screamers (My plans this summer include to read her other books) Rachel blended dystopia, paranormal, and romance to give readers something to devour.

I loved all of the characters, so many different personalities, people, and species it is all complicated to talk about. So I am just going to talk about Nina (Our MC) for the sake of spoilers. The biggest thing I loved about Nina? She was dedicated to the people she loves and cares about and wasn't whiny about her situation in the beginning of the novel. Some characters whine when things don't go their way or something bad happens to them. But Nina took it all and still held her head high. When her sister reveals a huge secret that is going to alter both of their futures Nina will go to the end of the world to protect her.

I loved the world building. The world in this book is so different and complex then our own. Rachel managed to build a world for her readers with out all of the info dumping we tend to get. Giving us information we needed at that particular moment. I like how she took religion and made it a huge part of this world. Even if it isn't all that specified it seems like a daunting task.

The romance was interesting and mind boggling. I'm still not wrapping my head properly around it. But I have a theory about Finn and I am excited to see if it is going to come true. All in all I really enjoyed The Stars Never Rise and I am really excited for all the books to come.